The Parents' Evening

The parent representatives invite their class parents to the Parents' Evening. The evening can be held whenever necessary, but at least once per term (Hessian Schools Act § 107 para. 2). All parents are invited (including the parents of full aged pupils). The class teacher typically joins the evening as well. In agreement with the parents, other people may be invited (e.g., students, subject teachers, or administration). Parent evenings should be carefully prepared and organized in advance.


If no date was selected at the previous parents' evening, the school parent council can select a date. The date should be coordinated with the class teacher and possibly with administration. One should pay particular attention that no other event that may discourage parents from participating coincides on the same evening (i.e., local celebrations, football games, etc.).


The evening’s agenda should be communicated to the parents in the invitation. If topics were not already chosen at the previous parents’ evening, then discussions with the class teacher or other parents can provide a source of topics of interest. Sometimes it can also be useful to invite a key school member to speak on certain school-related issues.


Although it is difficult to estimate the duration of a presentation, a report, or the discussion of a specific topic, an exact time for the individual agenda items should always be placed. The time for reports or presentations should be as short as possible, while generous time for discussion should be allowed. It is also advisable not to present a parents’ evening as an "open-end" event, but rather to agree at the beginning of the meeting on an end time that is acceptable to all, especially for working parents.


The invitation to the parents' evening should be sent at least ten days prior to the evening. The invitation is generally distributed at school to the children to be delivered to parents. Even if everything has been agreed upon with the class teacher, he/she should also receive a written invitation. The invitation should include the date, location and agenda.

The Seating Arrangement

If the classroom tables and chairs are in rows behind each other, then they should be arranged in either a circular, rectangular or horseshoe shape, preferably at the beginning of the evening. To ensure that all parents know who is speaking at any time, it is recommended that name cards on a large folded paper be placed on the table before each attendee. A parents' meeting can also take place outside the school. Problems with the seating arrangement will then probably not be an issue.

Attendance Register and Log

After greeting the parents, the representatives circulate an attendance list and present the agenda. Any requested changes to the agenda must be voted on in order to make the amendment. The minutes of the evening should be taken to record important information and agreements. This should be done by a parent since the parent representative is responsible for leading the evening.


One of the parent representatives shall serve as the meeting moderator. He/she should focus on two main points: first, to ensure that the time for each topic is evenly distributed. The class teacher should not be expected to be the main speaker. Secondly, each of the agenda items should be covered. This requires the representative to encourage discussion on each point, and likewise, prevent anyone from lingering on a point too long.


The most important issues and decisions arising from the parents’ evening shall be recorded in the minutes.

Closing Remarks

The closing remarks should be made by the parent representatives. They should summarize the results and, when possible, agree on the date for the next parents evening with those in attendance.


Distribution of the meeting minutes, as well as follow-up on any decisions/action items should be done.

School counselor Dietmar Burkhardt

Dietmar BurkhardMy name is Dietmar Burkhardt and at Schuldorf Bergstraße I have been working as a school counsellor since September 2015. In particular I like the good atmosphere at the school and the openess for new ways of being a school. It is the variety of people who learn and teach or work in other fields here that I really appreciate. It is nice to be here every day in such beautiful natural surroundings, having a wonderful landscape before my eyes.

Since 1987 I have been a protestant pastor, first in different parishes, then I worked as a journalist in the department of communication of ‌‌the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau.

Since a longer visit in Beirut/Lebanon in 2005, where it was mainly about the study of Islam and interfaith relations, I have been interested in the coexistence of people from different cultures and religions. For this reason I teach at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and at the Protestant University of Darmstadt from time to time. So the promotion of intercultural understanding and exchange is a special concern of mine.

I am married and a father of three adult children. Helping children and young people find their own way into the world is my motivation.
I find relaxation in hiking, playing piano and guitar, writing, reading and travelling.

Offers in school counselling at Schuldorf Bergstraße

We support and accompany children and young people in situations that challenge them and their parents / siblings personally.

If the feeling arises, that everything is meaningless, we try to give help to understand the situation and to find a meaning in it.

In coping with grief, illness or loss, we give room for discussions and their personal grief work.

Offer for families: we support and give advice in case of problems or in acute crises to families.

We currently offer training for teachers at school with the focus on intercultural conflicts.

Assisting the prevention team: active support of those affected by bullying in classes with the goal of reducing these occurences.

Involving the systemic view in counselling sessions:

- What is the family constellation?
- What personal strengths and abilities of the student / pupil can be used wisely to solve the problem?
- What internal attitudes and values ‌‌provide guidance?
- What is the point that we find ourselves in a crisis? Reinterpretation and appreciation of existing potentials.



or SMS to: +49 172 - 601 84 20

meetings by appointment




Lerntreff in der Mediathek

Frau Kessler bietet Basis- und Intensivkurse für die Hauptfächer Deutsch, Mathematik und Englisch an, in denen sich Schülerinnen und Schüler der 4.-6. Klasse unter fachkundiger Anleitung mit dem Grundlagentraining beschäftigen oder Unterstützung brauchen, um „Lücken“ im Fach wieder aufzuholen. Mittwochs wird ein Englischkurs angeboten. 

Alle Kurse finden am Nachmittag (auf Anfrage) in der Mediathek statt. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie bei Renate Kessler unter der Telefonnummer 06257-9703 77 oder unter

Außerdem können Berufsanfänger und Ferienjobber, die mehr über Büroorganisation und Kommunikation erfahren möchten, einen achtwöchigen Kurs buchen. Das Angebot wird abgerundet durch ein individuelles Bewerbungstraining für Schüler der Abgangsklassen.

Diese Datei herunterladen (Neues Konzept.pdf)Lerntreff SBS - Neues Konzept2019-08-28 10:36
Diese Datei herunterladen (Blockierungen.pdf)Blockaden lösen2019-08-28 10:36

Die Bibliotheken am Schuldorf

Mediathek 3Das Schuldorf Bergstraße verfügt über mehrere Bibliotheken, die vielfältige Recherchemöglichkeiten bieten.

Internetzugang, Computernutzung sowie Zeitschriften, Bücher und Fachmagazine, DVDs und CDs stehen den Schülerinnen und Schülern der unterschiedlichen Schulzweige zur Verfügung.

Neben dem Präsenzbestand können viele Materialien auch ausgeliehen werden.

Einladend gestaltete Arbeitsplätze ermöglichen das konzentrierte Lernen und Arbeiten in ruhiger Atmosphäre. Regal


Sie erhalten hier weitere Informationen über die Mediathek, die Library am Internationalen Schulzweig, das Lernzentrum der Oberstufe und die Bibliothek der Sekundarstufe. 


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