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Application Process


We accept applications for current Primary Year 1 -4 throughout the school year. It is important for families applying to SISS Primary to understand that space for new students may be limited. We therefore strongly recommend that, if possible, families begin the application process four months prior to the start of school.

Applications for school starters (Flexible Lower Primary Year 1 as of August) should ideally be submitted between 1 November and 1 February. Should you choose to enroll a school starter child in the SISS, the requirements of the State School Law (Hessisches Schulgesetz) must be adhered to. This includes a physical examination by a doctor from the local County Health Department, known here as the ‘Schularzt’.

Application Process
To apply for admission, please download and complete our application form for the respective year group (see Downloads/Application). In addition, we require:

o Copy of student passport or birth certificate
o School transcripts and records for the past two years (in English)
o A current passport-sized photograph of the student


It is essential to submit the above documents in order to start the application process. Please refrain from telephone enquiries, as these will not speed up the application process. Once the complete document portfolio has been submitted, we will contact you regarding the next steps. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Depending on the circumstances at school, this can take up to 4-6 weeks.


Furthermore, please be aware, that schooling in Germany is compulsory. For administrative reasons, the local German primary school needs to be contacted as soon as you have a residence regardless of your application at the SISS.
In case of admittance to the SISS Primary a formal request of school change is needed, the so called “Gestattungsantrag”, which needs to be approved by the school board. In order to get the “Gestattungsantrag”, please contact your local primary school.