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Grading and Reports


Grading at SISS is based on the German system with the following percentage/grade correspondence: (useful when grading assessments with points). Test grades are set in accordance with Hesse state guidance on percentages and there is considerable monitoring of marking levels between German and English teachers. Marks are given between 1 and 6. The average score for a test marking level is 2 to 3.

100 - 93% = 1
92 - 77% = 2
76 - 61% = 3
60 - 45% = 4
44 - 20% = 5
19 - 0% = 6

Assessments are usually given at the end of each main module (English, German, maths or science) in order to check your child’s ability to apply new skills and knowledge independently. In Literacy, maths, and German the number of 45 min assessments is three per semester in upper primary.

At least one week of written notice (diary) will be given prior to every assessment, with an indication of areas to be reviewed

In Year 3/4 all assessments are sent home for parent review and signature. All assessment results include the class average and the grade distribution on the assessment. We ask you to sign the sheet to show that you have seen it. Equally children will occasionally be asked by their teacher to show you their class exercise book and sign to confirm this.

In Flex, there is no required number of assessments per semester. Assessments are informal; they are not graded or sent home.

Report Cards

In Flexible Lower Primary official reports will be given at the end of the school year (before the summer break starts). From Year 3 onwards two official reports of individual progress will be released (at the end of January for the first semester, and in July/August for the second semester). Teachers discuss reports with Year 3/4 children before sending the reports home. The report will contain comments and achievement grades for behaviour, attitude and also for each individual subject. As is the case in the German state system, these grades will be derived from a combination of contribution to class work (50%), homework/presentations (25%) and assessment results (25%) .

Teachers will also approach you if your child seems to be displaying exceptional talent, leading to the need for extension and further challenge. We will also inform you of significant learning difficulties if they become apparent during the term.

Please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the classroom teacher if you have concerns or questions about your child’s progress. We value every opportunity to maintain a dialogue about this.

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