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Year 11 / 12 students at the “Britische Hochschulmesse” at Frankfurt University

Britische Hochschulmesse 1 2019So, what’s next? College? If yes, what should I take? Which choices are best for my career? Will I need to move? These are all questions which arise to us, one day or another. After the IGCSE, we start entering an age at which these questions become relevant to us and we start asking ourselves what the next steps might be. The current year 11 and 12 students of SISS feel this ever so present pressure of decision making coming closer and closer.

So why not look for help? The Britische Hochschulmesse in Frankfurt am Main seemed to be the right place to do so. 35 different universities from all around the UK, including their representatives provided information on courses, studies and career opportunities. The universities informed about the requirements for a specific course displaying a rough overview of the course content, as well as describing the campus and things such as tuition feesOverall it can be said that this trip was of great benefit to each student and may have created a brighter vision on the pathway some may want to choose.   (27 November, 2019)

Yours sincerely  Wolfgang Scheuerpflug

IB Coordinator

State International School Seeheim-Jugenheim

Schuldorf BergstraßeBritische Hochschulmesse 2 2019

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