IB diplomas and results 2022

2022 07 08 IB Ceremony Y11pics 233Congratulations to all our 36 IB students, who successfully finished their two-year IB diploma programme during the most difficult time one could imagine!

You can find the detailed results and statistics HERE

W.Scheuerpflug (IB coordinator SISS Secondary)2022 07 08 IB Ceremony Y11pics 3

IGCSE Information 2022-2024

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE_information_2022-24.pdf)IGCSE_information_2022-24.pdf2022-06-27 09:03

Anerkennung des „International Baccalaureate Diploma/Diplôme du Baccalauréat International“ als Hochschulzugangsberechtigung

IB students who would like their IB diploma to be recognized by the HKM to study in Germany, the “Allgemeine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”, need to read the following documents carefully and prepare documents in advance in order to apply at university in time. 

IB coordinator W.Scheuerpflug

IB Final Exams 2022

IB 2022The SISS Leadership Team, together with all staff members, and the school community, wish you the very best for your final exams!

W. Scheuerpflug
IB Coordinator

Diese Datei herunterladen (IB_Exam-Timetable 2022.pdf)IB_Exam-Timetable 2022.pdf2022-04-08 13:06

New Information about our IB DP 2022-2024

You can find the latest update of information about next year’s IB diploma programme here or in the download-section.

SISS Secondary Year 10 students can register now.

Newcomers or those returning need to get in touch with the IB coordinator for further consultation.

Before a new student applies, they have to read the IB information and application to school documents first.

W.Scheuerpflug (IB coordinator)

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