IB Diploma Programme Information Evening for 2022-2024

We are now allowed to meet in person for the IB information evening in the Auditorium in SISS Secondary. As of today, the G3 regulations apply (recovered, vaccinated or showing a negative test result from that day).

The meeting takes place on March 15th at 7 PM.

This meeting is primarily for Y10 parents.

All documentation from that meeting will be uploaded on this website once the meeting took place.

Since we have limited space available due to existing corona-regulations I ask you to limit the number of people per family. Only if absolutely necessary there can be at most two persons per student attending that meeting.

If a Y9 parent wants to attend, they need to ask beforehand sending a note to the IB coordinator directly.

Congratulations IB graduates May 2021!

brett garwood uvvvKneSp U unsplashCongratulations to all our IB students, who successfully finished their two-year IB diploma programme at a time severely influenced by the pandemic. The results achieved are even more impressive considering these conditions as they already are! 

Thank you IB teachers and SISS teaching assistants for your support that resulted in these outstanding results!

See for yourself the results obtained by this year’s group.

IB coordinator

 (Photo by Brett Garwood on Unsplash)

Diese Datei herunterladen (SISS IB DP May 2021 Results.pdf)SISS IB DP May 2021 Results.pdf2021-11-06 16:50

IGCSE Information 2021-2023

Diese Datei herunterladen (IGCSE_Information2021-2023.pdf)IGCSE_Information2021-2023.pdf2021-10-02 14:16

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