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School start on 22nd February 2021

Dear Parents of SISS Primary,

Regarding the upcoming school start for your children on Monday, 22nd February 2021, we would like to inform you about the regulations in place. We are aware, that this is still a difficult situation for all families as each child’s actual time in school is limited. Siblings in SISS Primary are scheduled for the same day, so that families do not have to cope with different days of attendance.

School hours as of 22nd February
The children will be in school on alternating days (rotation system), either in group A or in group B. They will have their regular lessons on the respective days, from 8.45 am – 3pm.

Supervision is offered for children from 3 pm until 6 pm.
Children need to be registered for SV – please find the registration form attached.

Arrival in school/ leaving school
To reduce the mixing of the cohorts on the playground before school starts, the children will be sent directly to their classrooms as of 8.30 am.
For the period before 8.30 am the schoolyard will be divided into four areas; one area for each cohort. All children who arrive before 8.30 am will have to stay in their assigned area.
This spatial separation on the courtyard in the morning before school starts means that
• the Spider web climbing frame can no longer be used at this time
• the children have very limited space to play
Therefore, we urgently ask all parents to ensure that the children arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.45 am if possible.


At the end of the lessons at 3 pm the children will be supervised when exiting the building. 

• They should leave the premises immediately.
• SV staff will pick up children who are registered for SV on that day in their classrooms.
No gathering is allowed on the playground.

Please note: Masks are now compulsory to wear for all children throughout the school day (inside as well as outside, in lessons as well as during playtimes) and in supervision.
• Masks must be changed daily. Children should have at least one clean spare mask with them.
• If possible, medical facemasks (for kids) are to be worn.
• Face and chin visors do not provide sufficient protection and are therefore not ac-ceptable.
The only exception is P.E. .Whilst exercising during P. E. lessons, children do not need to wear masks. Attention is paid during the school day to regular “mask breaks”, e.g. once windows are opened or during periods of quiet work.

Snack/ Lunch
Snack time will take place in the classrooms - snack and drinks to be provided from home as usual.
Hot lunch is not available due to capacity reasons related to the hygiene regulations. The ca-terer offers the option to provide lunch packets. There is the choice between vegetarian and non-vegetarian lunch packets for the price of 3,90€ each.
If your child is already registered for hot lunch this will be automatically switched to the re-spective packed lunch (vegetarian/non-vegetarian).
Please double-check your child’s lunch arrangements accordingly.

Please note that, as of 22nd February the children will get their individual feedback in school as well as their “homework” for the “interim day”; learning packets will not be sent via email anymore. “Homework” for the interim day will focus on core subjects, depending on the year group it could be between 20 to 40 min per subject.

“Notbetreuung” - on days when your child is not scheduled for school attendance.
“Notbetreuung” is offered for children who cannot be supervised at home on days without school attendance. These children will be organised in groups according to their “cohort”. As all classrooms are used for lessons in SISS Primary, the “Notbetreuung” will take place in rooms of the SBS.
Snack/ Lunch regulations are also applicable for children in “Notbetreuung”.
“Notbetreuung” is available from 8.45 am - until 12 pm or 8.45 am – 3 pm.
Children who attend “Notbetreuung” will be working on their “homework” tasks, supervised by a Teaching Assistant, a member of Supervision or another member of Staff. Please make sure that your child has the necessary equipment in the school bag.

If you need to register your child for “Notbetreuung” please return the form “Registration for “Notbetreuung” to the Office via email.
Deadline is Thursday, 18th February 2021, 10 am.

Finally, many children will be very excited to see their friends again after so many weeks of distance learning. Please remind your children: no hugs, no handshakes, no ”high fives” when meeting their class mates in school.

We are looking forward to seeing the children again.

On behalf of the SISS Primary Team,

Uta Wetterich
Headteacher SISS Primary
Rektorin, Internationaler Schulzweig