Our year 3 classes have! ...during their recent trip to the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt on Monday the 20th of June.
Ok, real dinosaurs is a bit of an exaggeration but it almost felt like it. The children were fascinated by the collections of fossils and artefacts on show.
Everything that was learned during the IPC topic dinosaurs came to real life on the day. The pupils examined real fossils, bones and rare minerals. During a guided tour by a museum science educator, the children had the opportunity to ask any questions they had or that arose during the tour of the museum. Whilst most of the children’s questions could be answered during the tour, the visit sparked an increased interest in many students, creating space for another visit. It was a great experience for the children to learn more about how our planet has evolved and learn about the fascinating creatures that roamed the earth millions of years before us.
(Photo and text: Z Wood, classteacher Y3b)